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Concrete Wall

My Growth Hacking philosophy is rooted in simplicity.

Choose a competitive keyword that brings up your competition in search results.

Each result that is returned is an opportunity to develop a portion of your marketing strategy. Agree?

If an analyst's report is returned, research the analyst, find out their contact and pitch them your product for a briefing.

If a tech writer's article comes up, pitch the writer.

If a LinkedIn company page for your competitor comes up, analyze their page and see what you can do to match the keywords they use on your company page

If an awards page comes up with your competitor, research the organization that awarded it, and sign up for the next one.

If an event with a competitor presenting shows up, write up an abstract and try to get in on the next one.

If a competitor's blog post is returned, then work on some posts with the same targeted keywords.

If a quora question is a result that mentions your competitor, find a way to chime in with your product.

If a competitor's meetup shows up in search results, see how showed up and figure out avenues and channels to reach them after some research on them.

If a podcast is returned, I think you got the Gist of it by now:) 

Of course, a precursor to this would be strong messaging and Value Proposition. Your journey will help you refine both.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that this philosophy is best applied to Boot-Strapped startups, pre-seed and seed startups. However, I feel companies of all types may see some value.

Would love to know your thoughts.

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Welcome to my blog.

Over the past two decades I've told stories, mostly via the written word.

With the majority of that time in marketing, I thought I'd share my thoughts and strategies related to content ideation, creation and product marketing.

With the AI revolution upon us, I'll be sharing my thoughts and provide you with valuable prompts that will make your content creation quicker.

I hope you'll enjoy and share. And most of all I hope it keeps you content.

Alex S. Gutman

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